Training Memberships
We offer a unique training membership program that will allow you the ability to increase or mix & match training classes, enhancing your dog’s education! Plus receive membership discounts on every-thing from events, nail trims, swimming, water treadmill, and workshops. There are seven membership levels to choose from based upon what interests you for your dog. Bronze Sky, Bronze Star, Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum and Junior Handler tiers. With these training membership options we are able to provide amazing benefits that offer significant discounts on classes, scheduling flexibility and the opportunity to use the many services our facility offers.
Prerequisites: Must have completed Adult Manners, Beginner Puppy School, or have Instructor Approval.
Junior Handler Prerequisites: Must have completed Junior Handler Bundle or have Instructor Approval.
Bronze Sky

NEW Bronze Sky
Your Membership Includes:
- Choose ONE of the following Customized Monthly Bonus Activities each month:
- 20-minute Pro Swim
- 15-minute Assisted Swim
- 15-minute Water Treadmill Session
- 30-minute Mat Rental
- 15-minute Land Treadmill Session
5% Discount on Ala Carte Classes, Workshops, Nail
Trims/Grinds and TAILS Academy
– 20-minute Assisted – $35
– 20-minute PRO – $22
– 30-minute PRO – $33
Water Treadmill: 20-minute Session – $35
Mat Rental:
– ½-hour – $10
– 1-hour – $20
Land Treadmill Rental: 15-minute Session
Private Lessons: Save $10 per ½-hour lesson!
Bronze Star

Bronze Star
Your Membership Includes:
- Choose ONE of the following Customized Monthly Bonus Activities each month:
- 20-minute Pro Swim
- 15-minute Assisted Swim
- 15-minute Water Treadmill Session
- 30-minute Mat Rental
- 15-minute Land Treadmill Session
5% Discount on Ala Carte Classes, Workshops, Nail
Trims/Grinds and TAILS Academy
– 20-minute Assisted – $35
– 20-minute PRO – $22
– 30-minute PRO – $33
Water Treadmill: 20-minute Session – $35
Mat Rental:
– ½-hour – $10
– 1-hour – $20
Land Treadmill Rental: 15-minute Session
Private Lessons: Save $10 per ½-hour lesson!

Bronze Membership
Your Membership Includes:
- Choose ONE of the following Customized Monthly Bonus Activities each month:
- 20-minute Pro Swim
- 15-minute Assisted Swim
- 15-minute Water Treadmill Session
- 30-minute Mat Rental
- 15-minute Land Treadmill Session
10% Discount on Ala Carte Classes, Workshops, Nail
Trims/Grinds and TAILS Academy
– 20-minute Assisted – $35
– 20-minute PRO – $22
– 30-minute PRO – $33
Water Treadmill: 20-minute Session – $35
Mat Rental:
– ½-hour – $10
– 1-hour – $20
Land Treadmill Rental: 15-minute Session
Private Lessons: Save $10 per ½-hour lesson!

Silver Membership
Your Membership Includes:
- Choose TWO of the following Customized Monthly Bonus Activities each month:
- 20-minute Pro Swim
- 15-minute Assisted Swim
- 15-minute Water Treadmill Session
- 30-minute Mat Rental
- 15-minute Land Treadmill Session
- Choose ONE Tailored Training Session each quarter
- One ½ -hour Private Lesson
- One TAILS Academy ½-day Session
- 15% Discount on Ala Carte Classes, Workshops, Nail
Trims/Grinds and TAILS Academy - Swims:- 20-minute Assisted – $35
– 20-minute PRO – $22
– 30-minute PRO – $33 - Water Treadmill: 20-minute Session – $35
- Mat Rental:
– ½-hour – $10
– 1-hour – $20 - Land Treadmill Rental: 20-minute Session
- Private Lessons: Save $10 per ½-hour lesson!

Gold Membership
Your Membership Includes:
- Choose ONE of the following Customized Monthly Bonus Activities each month:
- 20-minute Pro Swim
- 15-minute Assisted Swim
- 20-minute Water Treadmill Session
- 30-minute Mat Rental
- 15-minute Land Treadmill Session
- Choose TWO Tailored Training Sessions each quarter
- One ½ -hour Private Lesson
- One TAILS Academy ½-day Session
- 20% Discount on Ala Carte Classes, Workshops, Nail
Trims/Grinds and TAILS Academy - Swims:- 20-minute Assisted – $35
– 20-minute PRO – $22
– 30-minute PRO – $33 - Water Treadmill: 20-minute Session – $35
- Mat Rental:
– ½-hour – $10
– 1-hour – $20 - Land Treadmill Rental: 20-minute Session
- Private Lessons: Save $10 per ½-hour lesson!

Platinum Volunteer Membership
Your Membership Includes:
- Choose ONE of the following Customized Monthly Bonus Activities each month:
- 20-minute Pro Swim
- 15-minute Assisted Swim
- 15-minute Water Treadmill Session
- 30-minute Mat Rental
- 15-minute Land Treadmill Session
Volunteer: Maintain a minimum of (3) 5-hour volunteer sessions per quarter to stay eligible for this Training Membership Tier.
Assist with events and meet like-minded dog people while making a difference, giving back and having fun!
10% Discount on Ala Carte Classes, Workshops, Nail
Trims/Grinds and TAILS Academy
– 20-minute Assisted – $35
– 20-minute PRO – $22
– 30-minute PRO – $33
Water Treadmill: 20-minute Session – $35
Mat Rental:
– ½-hour – $10
– 1-hour – $20
Land Treadmill Rental: 15-minute Session
Private Lessons: Save $10 per ½-hour lesson!
Ask a staff member about enrolling today!
Junior Handler

Junior Handler Membership
*Must be under the age of 18 to participate!*
Your Membership Includes:
- Choose ONE of the following Customized Monthly Bonus Activities each month:
- 20-minute Pro Swim
- 15-minute Assisted Swim
- 15-minute Water Treadmill Session
- 30-minute Mat Rental
- 15-minute Land Treadmill Session
10% Discount on Ala Carte Classes, Workshops, Nail
Trims/Grinds and TAILS Academy
– 20-minute Assisted – $35
– 20-minute PRO – $22
– 30-minute PRO – $33
Water Treadmill: 20-minute Session – $35
Mat Rental:
– ½-hour – $10
– 1-hour – $20
Land Treadmill Rental: 15-minute Session
Private Lessons: Save $10 per ½-hour lesson!

Important Membership Info
Membership Rules & Policies
Enrollment & Payment Details
Registration for Classes
- Individual memberships are required for each dog – no “swapping” or interchanging of dogs is permitted.
- A member must have successfully completed Beginner Puppy School, Adult Manners, or Specialty Workshop to enroll.
- Membership prices do not include class equipment fees (e.g., 2x2 weave pole rentals or purchasing of equipment).
- A T-shirt is included with all “New” memberships.
- Each member must respect other facility clients and behave in an appropriate manner at all times.
- Membership fees will be drafted on 1st of each month.
- No coupons, gift certificates or vouchers may be applied.
- Changes in membership tiers are permitted for members who wish to switch a tier (e.g., from Bronze to Silver). In order to change a membership tier, a Change Form must be submitted by the 15th of the month for the new tier to take effect in the following month.
- Memberships are not refundable or transferable.
- Ala Carte Enrollment: Students may choose to enroll in extra classes each month.
- Think Pawsitive Staff reserves the right to rescind the rights of members not complying with the terms and conditions of the membership.
- All classes/rentals/swims must be used by the last day of the month. No “carry over” of classes, unused swims or rental sessions.
- Membership Holds: A Membership may be put on hold for a maximum of two consecutive months per calendar year for a fee of $10/month to keep your membership active. A Membership Hold form must be completed at least 14 days prior to the start of the month of the hold.
- Early Cancellation: If I cancel early, I may rejoin the membership program at a later date for a $25 rejoining fee.
- Failed monthly payments must be updated within 3 business days. Any payments not received will be invoiced and a $5.00 late fee will be added.
Class registration within your membership is due by the 15th of the prior month. Class registrations may be transferred to another class only if the spot you held in your original enrollment can be filled. Please contact [email protected] prior to the 1st of the month with any transfer requests. Absolutely no substituting or changes may be made to classes after the 1st of each month.
Membership Rules and Policies:
- Individual memberships are required for each dog – no “swapping” or interchanging of dogs is permitted.
- A member must have successfully completed Beginner Puppy School, Adult Manners, or a Specialty Workshop to enroll.
- Membership prices do not include class equipment fees (e.g., 2×2 weave pole rentals or purchasing of equipment).
- A T-shirt is included with all “New” memberships after 90 days.
- Each member must respect other facility clients and behave in an appropriate manner at all times.
Membership Enrollment and Payment Details:
- Membership fees will be drafted on 1st of each month.
- No coupons, gift certificates or vouchers may be applied.
- Failed monthly payments must be updated within 3 business days. Any payments not received will be invoiced and a $5.00 late
fee will be added. - Memberships are not refundable or transferable.
- Think Pawsitive Staff reserves the right to rescind the rights of members not complying with the terms and conditions of the
membership. - Changes in membership tiers are permitted for members who wish to switch a tier (e.g., from Bronze to Silver). In order to
change a membership tier, a Change Form must be submitted by the 15th of the month for the new tier to take effect in the
following month. Maximum of four changes per calendar year. - Ala Carte Enrollment: Students may choose to enroll in extra classes each month. These extra classes are billed to the credit
card we have on file upon registration. Gift certificates and vouchers may be submitted for ala carte payments only. - All classes/rentals/swims/land or water treadmill sessions must be used by the last day of the month. All private lessons or ½
day TAILS Academy (Silver and Gold) must be used by the end of the quarter. No “carry over” of classes, lessons, TAILS
Academy, unused swims/water or land treadmill sessions or rental sessions. - Silver/Gold Members: If your membership starts during the last month of a quarter, you will be eligible for a Tailored Training
Session for a prorated fee of $16.50. If you cancel your membership in the last month of a quarter, any Tailored Training
Session used will be charged a prorated fee of $16.50. - Membership Holds: A Membership may be put on hold for a maximum of two months per calendar year for a fee of
$10/month to keep your membership active. A Membership Hold form must be completed at least 14 days prior to the start of
the month of the hold. - Cancellation: If I cancel, I may rejoin the membership program at a later date for a $25 rejoining fee. A cancellation form must
be completed at least 30 days prior to the start of the month of the cancellation.
Registration for Classes:
- Class registration within your membership is due by the 15th of the prior month. Class registrations may be transferred to
another class only if the spot you held in your original enrollment can be filled. Please contact [email protected]
prior to the 1st of the month with any transfer requests. Absolutely no substituting or changes may be made to classes after the
1st of each month. Class enrollment ends on the 30th of the prior month. Late enrollment requests received before the 1st of
the month will be honored if class space allows. In the event that you are unable to register for your designated quantity of
classes in a month, members have the option to change levels for the month or swap two classes for the following:- Swap two classes for one (1) ½-day TAILS Academy
- Swap two classes for one (1) ½-hour Private Lesson
- Swap two classes for one (1) 2-hour Specialty Workshop
- These sessions must be prearranged via the class registration form and cannot be used with emergency changes.
Additional Information:
- Membership Customized Bonus Activities and Additional Sessions:
- Swims are 20-minute Pro or 15-minute Assisted (including initial appointment) swims. An additional “Pro” dog (from
your household only) may be added to your 20-minute swim session. (Additional dog fee will apply). No
additional dogs may be added to Assisted swims. No 30-minute swim sessions are permitted. - Turf rentals that are included in your membership tier may be shared with a non-member. The member will pay for
their portion of the rental and the non-member will pay full price – NO exceptions. - Turf or mat rentals are 30 minutes and may not be split into multiple sessions.
- Water treadmill sessions are either 15 minutes or 20 minutes in length, depending of the tier (includes initial
appointment). - Swims, land and water treadmill sessions, mat and turf rentals, TAILS Academy sessions and lessons must be used by
the designated member dog. No transfers are permitted. - Land treadmill sessions are a maximum of 15 minutes in length.
- Standard swim, land and water treadmill session, mat rental and turf rental rules apply.
- Additional monthly sessions may be purchased at a discounted rate.
- Swims are 20-minute Pro or 15-minute Assisted (including initial appointment) swims. An additional “Pro” dog (from
- Gold and Silver Membership Tailored Training Sessions:
- TAILS Academy sessions are ½-days.
- Private lessons are 30 minutes in length.
- Private Lessons and ½-day TAILS Academy Sessions are non-transferrable and must be used within the calendar
quarter. - Private Lessons may not be split into multiple sessions.
- Emergency Policy: In the event of an emergency, a member may transfer one class session to another available class session within the same month, when space allows. Call the facility at 262-641-9540 at least 2 hours before the start of your class time to inform us of your emergency. There is a limit of three transfers per calendar year (otherwise, please refer to membership hold policy). If we are notified after the class session has taken place, then NO transfer will be permitted. The following constitute an emergency:
- Accident/Family emergency
- Hospitalization or injury of the member
- Students will be notified in the event of weather cancellations and will have the option to either (1) transfer to another class session during the current month OR (2) Roll over the class session into the next consecutive month.
- Injured/Sick Dogs: In the event that your dog becomes injured or sick during their membership, you may have the option to substitute another dog from your household. In order to do so, you must submit your request and vet documentation for the injured/sick dog to the Training Manager. The substituted dog must be at the same skill level of your registered class(es).
- If the substituted dog does not meet the skill level of the registered class(es), you may submit a Request Form with an admin fee of $5.00 to substitute another class(es).
- The length of the substitution may not be longer than three consecutive months.
- Family Ala Carte: Family Ala Cartes allow you to add a minimum of two ala carte sessions for an additional household dog per month to your training membership. The guest household dog must have taken Think Pawsitive classes, private lessons or have instructor approval and must be training at the class skill-set level in order to participate in the added class sessions. This household guest must be accompanied by a designated membership of another dog only. Swapping of dogs in classes is not permitted. Family Ala Cartes may be added on a month-by-month basis.
Termination Policy:
I must notify Think Pawsitive Dog Training LLC of my intent to terminate my membership by completing a cancellation form at least thirty (30) days prior to the upcoming month (e.g., you must cancel by June 1st in order to not be billed for July). I understand that no “credits”, rollovers, refunds or pro-rated pricing will be given for late termination notices.
Ask about our TAILS Academy Membership!
Call now to reserve your session:
(262) 641-9540
Training Reviews
See what our customers have to say about their experience at our facility with our team of pet care professionals.
& Clyde“Clyde is currently in the Adults Manner class at Think Pawsitive and we've enjoyed getting the opportunity to train and socialize along side other dogs. On top of that, the instructors are so amazing and patient, and we cannot wait to sign Clyde up for more classes/events!”
Deb Gault
& Bodie"Think Pawsitive is AWESOME!! I have three (3) Labrador Retrievers of all colors and ages and every one of them have benefitted from Think Pawsitive’s facility. I bring all of them for their workouts in the pool – alternating them as needed – especially in the winter months when it’s way too cold or icy to let them work off their excess energy on their own…I’m a huge fan of Katie, the Think Pawsitive Staff, and their wonderful facility. LONG LIVE THINK PAWSITIVE AND K-9 SPLASH!!”
Katie & Ryan
& Sulley“Ryan, Sulley, and I absolutely love being a part of the Think Pawsitive family. Sulley did the 8-week puppy class and got excited every time we would walk through the door. He loved seeing all his puppy friends and Miss Brenda, along with doing all the crate/bed/leash walking games. We are really proud of how far he came in those weeks. Sulley is a pro at recall, sit, stay, and lay down. Think Pawsitive does an amazing job at making each pup feel welcome and special! They truly care about each and every dog. We cannot wait to keep attending more events and enrolling Sulley in agility classes.”

& Phoebe“I am so appreciative of the excellent training we receive at Think Pawsitive. The instructors are fantastic and make a concerted effort to identify and work with the strengths and challenges of each individual dog and handler. Phoebe responds so well to positive reinforcement training and truly loves to learn. I am very pleased with the skills she has acquired, the confidence she has gained, and the relationship we have built as a team.”
“I am so grateful to have found Think Pawsitive and Katie. The training we have received has provided us with the building blocks to be competitive in our agility career.”
Zoe, Annie, Sailor, Rella, & Jazz"Initially, what attracted me was the excellent facility and equipment. I soon learned Think Pawsitive offered much more. Katie and the Think Pawsitive Staff are very knowledgeable, extremely supportive and are very good at what they do! Their love for the dogs and their training methods are exemplary.”
Ralphie & Winnie"The K9 Splash pool enabled my 9.5 year old golden retriever to fully recover from back surgery, and be able to return to agility competition…Swimming the dogs in the heated pool after agility was their idea of a reward, and my idea of a great way to stretch and condition their bodies. Love it!”