Turf & Mat Rentals
Think Pawsitive offers indoor rental of our agility equipment, turfed arena and matted spaces to train your dog. Our artificial turf is specially formulated and maintained to support the training and endurance for agility practices. There is daily availability for the matted training rooms and the turfed arena during our normal hours of operation when classes, events, or trials are not scheduled. Reserve your rental online below!
Keyless Entry Turf Rentals
We offer Keyless Entry Turf Rentals! Are you wanting to practice your agility skills on the turf before or after hours at Think Pawsitive? Then request a Turf Access Card today! Keyless Entry Turf Rentals are for clients or Think Pawsitive Advanced Agility students who have had an initial turf rental during normal business hours and have dogs that are trained on all agility equipment.
Keyless Rental Hours:
Monday: 6:00am – 10:00am, 8:30pm – 10:00pm
Tuesday: 6:00am – 10:00am, 9:00pm-10:00pm
Wednesday: 6:00am – 8:00am, 8:30pm – 10:00pm
Thursday: 6:00am – 10:00am, 9:00pm – 10:00pm
Friday: 6:00am – 10:00am, 6:00pm – 10:00pm
Saturday: 6:00am-8:00am, 5:00pm– 10:00pm
(Subject to change based on Think Pawsitive Classes, Trials and Events)
Sunday: 6:00am-8:00am, 5:00pm –10:00pm
*Subject to change based on Events, Holidays, Think Pawsitive Classes, and Trials
30 Minutes
1 Hour

Turf Rentals

Our turf arena is available to rent for clients with dogs who are competing in agility to practice agility skills or current Think Pawsitive Advanced Agility students. Dogs must be familiar with and trained on all agility equipment to rent the turf. One week each month will feature a Jumpers Course including only jumps, tunnels, and weave poles. All other weeks will include a combination of contact equipment (A-frame, teeter, and/or dog walk).
15 min = $12.50
30 min = $25
1 Hour = $47
Contact Us With Questions (262) 641-9540
Blue Matted Room Rentals

This room can be rented by new clients and current Think Pawsitive students for training purposes! Our matted rooms are perfect for working on obedience, tricks, nose work, and specific agility skills. Note: Agility equipment is available for use for current Think Pawsitive Agility students or dogs that have been trained on the equipment. Courses are not set in this classroom.
15 min = $10
30 min = $20
1 Hour = $35
Contact Us With Questions (262) 641-9540