Brags & Wags
Below you will find just some of the accomplishments by our clients in Agility, Canine Disc (Frisbee), Dock Diving, Obedience, Rally, Scent Work, or a special training achievement. Congratulations to all these hard working teams!

Katie & Britta
Katie and Britta earned their NW1

Amy & Cabot
He earned his NACSW NW1 and NW2 titles, Master Container and Master Interior titles and UKC Superior Title

Jen & Mattie
Mattie earned their C-ATE CPE Agility Championship (She was 11.5 years old)

Kelsey & Remi
Kelsey and Remi earned their NW1

Katie & Merit
Katie and Merit earned their USDAA Performance Dog Championship

Todd & Buzz
Todd and Buzz earned their Masters NADD Dock Diving Title
Submit Your Brags & Wags
We want to hear from you! Here are things that we’d love to hear about, and feature on our website and social media pages:
- Your experience with our staff.
- Your experience at our facility.
- Accomplishments, awards, recognition, or titles you and your dog have earned or received.
- How your dogs have developed with training or coaching from our staff?
Think Pawsitive Reviews
See what our customers have to say about their experience at our facility with our team of pet care professionals.

Angela Lussow
"I have been taking various agility, Nose Work, and other training classes at Think Pawsitive for the past 5 years; and the respect that is shown to customers by the amazing staff truly sets this facility apart from others. The trainers do not put you into a categorized box, they help personalize the areas of training needed not only for your dog but for you, as well, so both you and your dog can succeed. With changing things like our stopped contacts or odor alert in training, Sarah, helped give me and my dogs the confidence to feel less anxious out on the agility course and in search areas. The Lussow Pack has grown so much as a team and for that I am profoundly grateful for my wonderful trainer Sarah, and all the rest of the staff here at Think Pawsitive."

Mary Ann Werz
& Ajay"Ajay started in Beginner Puppy School and continued through all the agility foundation classes and is now putting it all together. Ajay thinks agility is fun. He is becoming a focused teammate and am looking forward to continuing to work with him and developing an awesome relationship. Agility also keeps my little terrier from becoming a juvenile delinquent at home."

Ken Ward
I love how Think Pawsitive helps me train our dogs individually to their strengths and recognize the differences between our three dogs. It's given me connection with them I would have never thought possible and the confidence to try things with them I have never imagined.